
Cron Jobs

Several Cron jobs must be added for any of the modules to function. Here we'll show you who should be added and why.

  • Open your Hosting Control Panel.
  • Go to Cron Jobs.
  • Create a new cron job for each module.


Cron for Mass Payments Module

For the mass payments module to work properly, you need to add the following cron task. This cron must be runned every minute.

/usr/bin/php /home/{your_username}/public_html/artisan mass_payment:execute

Cron for Sumsub Verification Module

This is a cron that periodically checks if there are new requests for KYC/AML verification through Sumsub and if there are any that are denied or confirmed it marks the user as verified. This cron must be runned every minute.

/usr/bin/php /home/{your_username}/public_html/artisan sumsub_applicants:update

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